Make a Wish

Same Day Florist Delivered

A summery mix of yellow daisy chrysanthemums, purple asters and hot pink and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful yellow plaid bow - will make their wishes come true!

Yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple Matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid yellow ribbon.

Approximately 9" (W) x 12" (H)

Orientation: All-Around

Price $34.99
Occasion Anniversary, Birthday, Get Well
Flowers & Gifts Flower Arrangement
Recepient For Brother, For Daughter, For Father, For Husband, For Mother, For Sister, For Son, For Wife
Shipping Methods Same Day Delivery
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