Pink Dreams Bouquet with Godiva Chocolates

Shipped in Gift Box

Soft pink roses appear to "float" among a bouquet of pink Peruvian lilies in our Dreamland Bouquet. Six medium stem roses are accented by long lasting, full stemmed Peruvian lilies. Each lily stem has 3 to 5 blossoms, and is shipped in the budding stage, ready to open. Your flowers will arrive wrapped, along with a classic glass vase, ready for the recipient to arrange in their own special way.  Timeless and elegant, Godiva's® Gold box is the perfect chocolate gift to accompany these beautiful flowers.

Price $55.99
Occasion Anniversary, Birthday, Love & Romance, New Baby, Congratulations
Flowers & Gifts Flower Arrangement
Recepient For Brother, For Daughter, For Father, For Husband, For Mother, For Sister, For Son, For Wife
Shipping Methods Next Day Delivery
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