Holiday Wishes Bouquet

Same Day Florist Delivered
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Spread the joy of the holiday season across the country with this simply gorgeous Christmas inspired bouquet. Rich red roses and mini carnations are beautifully accented with white Peruvian lilies, red hypericum berries, lily grass blades, and an assortment of lush holiday greens to create an exceptional fresh flower arrangement. Presented in a clear glass cube, this holiday flower bouquet sends your warmest season's greetings to any of the loves in your life.

This bouquet includes 8 stems. Approximately 10"H x 11"W.


Price $39.99
Occasion Anniversary, Birthday, Love & Romance, New Baby, Congratulations, Thank you, Wedding
Flowers & Gifts Flower Arrangement
Recepient For Brother, For Daughter, For Father, For Husband, For Mother, For Sister, For Son, For Wife
Shipping Methods Same Day Delivery
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